Saturday, June 16, 2012

Saturday, June 16

Rafiki Team Leaders for the day: Shane and D

The team members of Kenya 2012 are getting so close to completing our goal of completing construction of a cistern. Today we completed another level of the cistern and we started to make the sides of it level so that receiving water will be an easier task. We got a lot of work done today because not only did our group have so much effort and energy, but also school wasn’t in session (it’s Saturday here just to let you guys back home know….) so there weren’t many kids visiting us at the work site. Our new friends John and Titus did come visit us, and that showed all of us how deep of a connection we have with them because they came to school even when they didn’t have to. The homestays have been such an amazing experience for all of us who have gone (2 out of 3 groups). We have been immersed in cultural singing and dancing, and living the way of the Maasai for a night, which is an amazing experience that we will treasure forever. Tomorrow we are excited about being able to sleep in because Sunday is our day off, and we plan to have a day of relaxation at the nearby hot springs. That will be a treat. WE ARE SO EXCITED!