Thursday, June 14, 2012

Hi Everybody! We've been in Oloika for 2 days now. We've been working on building a cistern, which included pick axing (Lily's favorite), shoveling rocks out of the pit, and moving water into a tank. We've gotten opportunities to play with the kids of the Oloika Primary School, and even got the chance to sit in on and teach a couple of classes. Yesterday we challenged the kids to a game of soccer, which ended in a loss on our part (1-0), but it was still a great time. Tonight we sent off our first group home stay goers: Deandra, Rebecca, Ms. Smith, Cole, Maitreya, Shane, and Mr. Blakley. Everyone is very excited to hear about their experiences tomorrow! Anyway, everyone is having a fantastic time, and most don't want to leave.

Hope you're having as much fun as we are back home!
                     - Tim and Lily